Cup of black coffee on burlap and rustic wood with coffee beans to the side.

Is Coffee Keto? Can You Have Coffee Drinks On The Keto Diet?

Starting a new diet of keto or low carb and wondering if you will still be able to hit the coffee shops?

Cup of black coffee on rustic wood with burlap and whole coffee beans on the side

Coffee is a touchy subject for people following the keto diet. Have you ever found yourself waiting in line at Starbucks, completely lost in thought, and asking, “Is coffee ketogenic?”

The only thing that matters with this diet is how much fat and how many net carbs you consume.

It is known as Ketogenic because it is a high-fat diet that burns fat instead of carbohydrates for energy in the body, leading to ketosis.

Some use it to lose weight; others use it to enhance cognitive function. Some even use it to control their blood sugar insulin levels. Anyone can achieve a state of ketosis if they decide to do so, regardless of their reasons!

Coffee traces its roots back to about 800AD so it is ingrained in all of us coffee lovers. Are you now on this new program, wondering whether you’ll ever get to have Starbucks once more? Yes! Well, it depends on how you take it.

The Basic Components of Coffee:

When you’re on a diet, things that taste great are normally what you have to avoid. But for once, there’s some good news.

Regular coffee is naturally low in calories and carb-free, making it the perfect drink to enjoy while being keto dieters.

The issue lies when it gets mixed with other stuff. Take sugar, for example. The sweeter your coffee is, the worse it is for your diet.

Just two teaspoons of sugar have 8 grams of carbohydrates! Not to mention milk and flavored syrups, too! Imagine asking for a large-sized caramel macchiato at Starbucks, you will likely have taken a few days’ worth of net carbs with just one cup.

Impact of Additives in Coffee on Ketosis:

While helpful in most cases, coffee additives can turn a coffee keto-friendly drink into one with tons of carbs.

Don’t let the last thing you do to break your diet affect your hard work. It’s so easy to throw in sugar or milk without thinking twice, but they’ll surely add up if you don’t stop.

The safest option is always a black cup of plain coffee when picking what to add to your coffee.

Benefits of Coffee in a Keto Diet:

Nonetheless, black coffee is a good drink for people following Keto. I’m talking about how healthy those antioxidants are.

One means through which it accelerates the rate at which fats get used up in the body, and that’s very important when you are on a keto diet and need to lose weight within a short time.

It is also great as an appetite suppressant.

However, this only works when you don’t add anything to your coffee or only use keto-friendly options. Because sugar or high-carb creamers do not make coffee serve its purpose.

For such benefits, stick to plain black coffee if you can. If not then be sure to use keto-friendly creamers and sweeteners.

Popular Kinds of Keto Coffee:

We feel like our daily dose of morning coffee caffeine gets us started for the day. We understand you still want to enjoy it as you try to stick to a low-carb diet.

A good example would be bulletproof coffee. Bulletproof coffee is when you add healthy fats such as pouring bulletproof MCT oil into your coffee. This one has a distinct taste – sometimes people on Keto want some change, and they could go for it- why not?

If you don’t have MCT oil you can use butter if you want to remain committed to the ketogenic lifestyle.

Keto butter coffee (aka bulletproof) helps control cravings while also supplying ample energy levels from its fat content. Besides, this is still “coffee” and thus can easily be consumed!

If you do make your own butter coffee it is best to use a high-quality butter such as grass-fed butter.

One thing to note about this type of coffee is that it will break your fast if you are also doing intermittent fasting.

Another reason why a good old fanished cup of black coffee is an excellent option as it does not break a fast.

What Caffeine Does in Ketosis:

As we touched on earlier caffeine is a natural stimulant contained within coffee, aiding in easy weight loss.

It does so by increasing one’s metabolism, thereby making their system work faster than normal and burning more fats within no time, similar to how the ketosis diet burns fat.

Nevertheless, excessive consumption of caffeine-containing substances results in negative effects like insomnia as well as irritability, among other things.

These side effects can quickly stop the Keto diet plan’s forward movement during ketosis in most cases.

On the other hand, properly used caffeine content may be a guiding tool to undergo this process of ketosis. So enjoy that coffee, just be sure to keep it to just a few cups of coffee per day.

Number Of Carbs in Sweetened Coffee Dilemma:

Having sweetened coffee on a ketogenic diet is puzzling; nevertheless, there is a way out of this, too! One important thing to ask about is its carbohydrate load.

For example, coffee black has virtually zero carbs and can be taken by people who are doing Keto. Adding stuff like milk, cream, or sweeteners will shoot up the carb intake and make your coffee less keto-friendly.

To keep your body in ketosis, ensure your daily Joe suits your eating goals by using low-carb or no-carb add-ins.

Are Artificial Sweeteners a Solution for Keto-Friendly Beverages?

Getting the sweetener right for your cup of coffee can either make or break someone’s day! If you use a faulty sweetener, everything goes amiss with the person’s day. However, there are some great sugar-free sweeteners on the market today.

The sweetener you choose for your coffee drinks will come down to your preference as well as if you are following the strict keto or dirty keto. One good choice would be monk fruit extract.

Just be sure to read those labels for carb content and if it has sugar alcohols or fiber you can subtract making it a lower net carb.

Keto Coffee Creamer: Dairy and Non-Dairy:

Whether to continue or upgrade your keto diet depends on the type of coffee creamer you choose. All non-dairy and traditional dairy-based creamers even whole milk, except heavy cream, contain high levels of carbs and sugars.

Find a substitute for Keto that would affect your diet the least. Other than using heavy whipping cream (such as this keto coffee recipe), one alternative is unsweetened almond milk and also coconut milk.

However, carefully check for added sugars in coconut milk. Some non-dairy creamers look fine but have hidden sugars and grams of carbs that will keep you from ketosis.

So please be careful when reading! To maintain low sugar levels, you must find unsweetened or keto-specific creamers.

Effects of Flavored Coffee:

Flavored coffee is a devil for individuals following Keto diets. It comes with extra sugars and carbs in your taste buds that screw up all those hours one has struggled to remain in ketosis for nothing. Hence, if you are on a diet break up with drinks, syrups, and additives that have sugar.

If you do have to have those flavors in your coffee, be sure to seek out keto-friendly flavorings.

Portion Control and Its Importance:

It’s important to practice portion control when drinking keto coffee. While you may technically be able to have coffee while on the ketogenic diet, overdoing it can throw off the macronutrient ratio of your diet.

Too much coffee — especially when mixed with high-fat ingredients like butter or MCT oil — can provide excess calories and fat, which could interfere with weight loss and overall health.

Practicing moderation allows coffee to be included in a healthy ketogenic diet that maintains ketosis.

The Impact of Coffee Consumption on Hunger and Snacking:

There is a great way to fight against hunger for coffee drinking. It is very important for those who are on Keto and want to be in line with it.

The caffeine in coffee can also act as an appetite suppressant and keep you from taking your anger out on your kitchen pantry.

However, this strict meal plan will only be successful if you are dedicated – but disciplined as well.

Although it is good for weight loss, the body still needs all the essential nutrients. Don’t forget that if you’re going to replace a meal with coffee, your body still needs all the things it requires to function properly. Coffee assists in controlling hunger while dieting Keto.

Coffee Possible Side Effects with Keto Diet:

It’s important to know what coffee does to the body when one is in ketosis. High intake of coffee might lead to heart racing, nervousness, or even upset stomachs caused by overindulgence.

If our bodies were under ketosis, these side effects would be unbearable. Moreover, caffeine working as a diuretic sometimes makes us feel like urinating more frequently; excessive fluid losses due to this may, therefore, make fluid control even more important.

Nevertheless, there could still be some additional health benefits linked to having coffee while being on a keto diet; hence, moderation in drinking is advised so that one can avoid such horrible experiences and maintain balance.


So let me sum it up: does coffee belong to the list of products approved by Keto? Yes, but hold your horses! Be careful how often you consume it and which sweeteners or creamers you use.

Enjoy that morning cup of coffee but do so wisely. Minimizing additives’ impact and enjoying its advantages without any unwanted negative consequences is possible.

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